Chariots of Heaven Read online

Page 5

Falling… spinning… innumerable white lights rotating in all directions. Kira tried to scream but couldn’t find any air. Was this the end? Flexing her muscles she found that she had great strength, almost… abnormal strength; more than she could have ever imagined. Gritting her teeth she managed to slow the spin; the blurring lights twisted less quickly and she was able to get some bearings. She could see something below her now, a large blue and green sphere. It floated silently in the ocean of starlit blackness. It seemed familiar to her but she couldn’t remember where she had seen it. Straining with all of her might, she was able to stop the spin, but she was still falling, and gaining speed by the second. She knew this wasn’t good. She knew that she had failed.

  Hopelessness filled her stomach as she watched the large blue-green ball grow larger and larger as she fell towards it. She knew there was no way to survive the fall, so she stopped fighting and let go. There was nothing she could do but accept her demise, so she closed her eyes and whispered a prayer. “Spirits, if you do exist please don’t let her kill Kaya. She is just a child...”

  Tears welled in her eyes. First she let her father down, and now she was letting her sister down. It wasn’t fair! She had done everything she could to protect her, but somehow it hadn’t been enough. She looked up. There it was, just floating there; that dreadful monstrosity that brought all the trouble. The sight of it lit a fire within her and she knew she couldn’t give up. Anger now replaced the hopeless feeling in the pit of her stomach and rage boiled in every fiber of her being. Finding enough air this time she roared “NO!! Not like this! I will not let you take her!!!!!”